At my friend's request I started to gather out some ideas to put on this page. Being in front of a white page may be scary for some of us… but not for me…..for me a blank page is a new challenge…so…how can I make it interesting enough? Or, is it important to make it entertaining? We shall see..
So…this is me..Pami..a woman in her mid twenties but with hopes and dreams of a teenager…I like expressing myself through my look…I like my piercings -not necessary to show up - but because they are a part of my personality:this is how I am, how I like to be and I couldn't care less about the ones who disagree with it..It's still me….a woman with red-black hair and and sport clothes who likes to make fun of problems and find ways to manage them anyway..any kick in the rear is a step forward:..
As I see in many of the profiles, people tend to say only nice and cute things about themselves. If I were to take for granted all the profiles I read in the past year…then the world we're living is a little piece of heaven populated by many winged and angel-like characters. Thanks God! We're saved:…well….error page…error..reality is such a different thing…there's no just black and white but a mixture of these persoality colours..
So…trying a SWOT analysis..what are my strong and weak points? Hmm….had to say…and hard to do in an objective way..but hope you people will pardon me if may be bit subjective? I'm talking about myself..aren't I?;)
To start with the good parts of me(because they are few-he-he--:)..I can say I'm sympathetic, that means ready to give a helping hand to my friends if they need that (or at least make them forget their issues;) )…I also love animals-more than people-why? Give the dog a bone and he will be your friend..give someone a hand and he's most likely not to even thank adding up, what's the difference? GRATITUDE!
To complete this little list of my good points, the last but not the least..I'm a dreamer…I dream and hope and still believe there's still some goodness left in the world. And still trust people despite all the problems I had because of this foolish trust…
So…short list..isn't it? True…but there is nothing much to say about good parts..if I have another I invite you to come and talk to me and give me a clue..:P
Well what about the bad parts? WHERE SHOULD I START??? He he…don't worry…they are not so many that cant be told…but I will not bore u with all thisngs I don't like about my character…coz I will not complain about phisical appearance here…even if I have some to say about that also:..
The most annoying thing I find in my personality is that I get a very quick temper…I get angry really easy and I tend to make a mess all around me..beware!I try to calm down a bit lately..coz I'm afraid not to make a heart attack..he-he..not that some people I know wolud cry..not at all..just for my own health…
Another really disturbing thing is that I'm really jealous…and this is only in relation with a boyfriend…im a loyal person and at the beginning I thought all people are likewise…well the truth is they are not all loyal and some are chaters..I lost the confidence and trust in people…I lost it even on the most dear persons I had beside..sometimes I'm jealous…sorry to say that…and sorry to feel that…but this is the truth..
What else I have bad in my behaviour…hmm..hard to chose one thing…but I think the most important last thing is that I don't like to joke too much and take some foolish things as a reality…
Well..i'm not such a long talker after all…but I see myself abliged at least to write a kind of a complete story, as my good friend Laura did..